Annual SALE starts Sat 26th Oct at 10am

We are delighted to invite you to join us for our Annual Sale which is taking place this year at our main Pottery Shop, on the scenic Slea Head drive on Saturday 26th Oct at 10am. Coffee and pastries will available for those brave enough to face the elements and join the early morning Q, along with some free gifts and an opportunity to win a Louis Mulcahy Lamp and Shade.
Our online sale will also take place this year through our online store. With the success of the “seconds” being available over the last few years, we decided to run this again and to even offer you more bargains. Our online sale will also start at 12 pm on Saturday 26th Oct.
We will have our team on hand to answer emails, messages or take calls to help you find the item you are looking for. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers for their continued and loyal custom this year.
The team at Louis Mulcahy Pottery.
Note: Our slightly imperfect items vary in the degree of imperfection. Some are only visible to us and others are more noticeable. We have done our best to photograph these imperfections and described accurately what this means. We are confident that these will delight anyone who buys them.
Ba mhaith linn cuireadh a thabhairt duit go dtí ár Sladmhargadh Bliantúil a bheidh ar siúl Dé Sathairn an 26ú Deireadh Fómhair ag a 10r.n. inár gCeardlann i gClothar atá suite ar shlí shárscéimhe Cheann Sléibhe.
Os rud é go raibh an éileamh ar ár “n-earraí mionlochtacha” ar líne anuraidh beidh ár sladmhargadh ar líne ag tosú an mhaidin chéanna, Dé Sathairn an 26ú Deireadh Fómhair ag a 12i.n. agus beidh níos mó earraí dá leithéid á dtairiscint ar lascaine fhlaithiúil.
Beidh ár bhfoireann oibre ar fáil chun cuidiú leat earra ar leith a roghnú agus chun ríomhphoist agus glaochanna gutháin a fhreagairt chomh maith. Ná bíodh aon leisce ort cúnamh a lorg ar bhall foirne.
Ar deireadh ba mhaith linn buíochas ó chroí a ghabháil lenár gcustaiméirí uile a thacaigh linn I gcaitheamh na bliana.
An Foireann ag Potadóireacht na Caolóige
Nóta: Maidir lenár “n-earraí mionlochtacha” tá ár ndícheall déanta againn an locht éagsúil a ghabhann le gach earra dá leithéid a thaispeáint go soiléir sa ghrianghraf chomh maith le cur síos beag ar an locht áirithe. Táimid muiníneach go mbeidh an té a cheannaíonn na hearraí seo breá sásta leo.