Product Care
How to care for your Louis Mulcahy Pottery and Shades
All of our Pottery is fired to a high temperature making it very durable. Treated with care it should last you a lifetime. We have some guidelines here to help you look after your Louis Mulcahy Pottery. If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch with us.
Ovenware and Tableware - all of our pottery is suitable for use in the dishwasher, microwave and oven.
Oven Use: To ensure long life, treat your pottery like oven proof glassware. Cover the bottom completely – do not place small portions of food in the middle only. Do not place dish directly on electric hot plate, naked flame, or on a cold surface direct from hot oven.
Shades: For care and long life of your lampshade: Never exceed stated bulb wattage. Regularly dust/vacuum with soft brush attachment or a dry cloth. For stains – we recommend using a slightly damp cloth or a baby wipe, take care not to wet the shade too much as it may become water stained.
Washbasin: care for your ceramic hand wash basin as you would any sink unit. Do not drop any heavy objects directly into the basin. Wipe ceramic bowl with a damp cloth.
Clock: To set the clock - use the wheel at rear of the clock to set the time first and then insert the battery. Please do not use the handles as they are very fragile.
Oil Lamp: to ensure smokeless flame keep wick length to the bare minimum (i.e 1mm approx.). Only half fill with oil.
Bácáiltear ár n‑earraí cruachré go teocht an‑ard agus dá réir tá mianach láidir iontu. Má thugtar aire chuí dóibh tá an seans ann go seasfaidís fad saoil. Tá treoirlínte againn anseo a chabhróidh leat chun aire a thabhairt dár n‑earraí potadóireachta. Má tá aon cheist nó chúis imní agat I leith earra dár gcuid, déan teagmháil linn.
Is féidir na háraistí seo a chur i miasniteoir, micreathonnán agus san oigheann.
Úsáid Oighinn: Úsáid na h-áraistí seo mar a úsáideann tú áraistí gloine oighinn. Clúdaigh an bun ar fad – ná cur blúire bia i lár slí amháin. Ná cur an t-áras díreach anuas ar thine oscailte nó leictreach, ná ar aon dhromchla fuar díreach ón oigheann te.
Scáthláin: Chun saol an scáthláin a chur i bhfad: Ná sáraigh uasmhéid valtachta an bholgáin. Glan smúit den scáthlán go rialta trí scuab bhog fholúsghlantóra nó ceirt thirim a úsáid. I gcás salachair – molaimid ceirt thais nó ciarsúr naíonáin a úsáid, ag déanamh cinnte de nach bhfliuchtar an scáthlán in iomarca ar eagla rian phaiste triomaithe uisce a fhágáil.
Báisín níocháin: Tabhair aire dod bháisín potadóireachta mar a thabharfá aire d’aon doirteal. Ná lig d’aon rud trom titim isteach sa bháisín. Cuimil an báisín le ceirt fhliuch.
Clog: Chun an clog seo a chur ar siúl, cas an roth ar chúl an chloig chun an t-am a shocrú agus ansin cuir an bataire isteach laistiar. Ná húsáid lámha an chloig chun an t‑am a shocrú led thoil.
Lampa Ola: Chun lasair gan deatach a chinntiú coimeád fad an bhuaicis ar an bhfad is lú (tuairim is 1mm ar fhad). Déan deimhin de gur leathlán le hola atá an soitheach agus ní líonta go hiomlán.